Thursday, November 21, 2019

Kennedy update.

Kennedy Xiong won the ACE in 2015 and headed off to the University of Minnesota. Here's an update from him. Nothing like travel to open your mind to all that's possible. Be well, Kennedy. Do great things. 

"I am currently extending my undergraduate time an additional year so that I could study abroad; I am studying in Tokyo, Japan. So far it has been a blast and I am learning so many new things! The differences in culture and way of life has been truly eye opening. I have definitely become more humble and appreciative of the things that I have. I am truly glad that I made the decision to study abroad. I am also currently working as a part-time teacher here in Japan. I go to multiple places throughout Tokyo to work and in each place, I work with another teacher (Japanese teacher) to teach kids how to speak English! The kids vary from ages 3-10. It is so fun to be able to work with and teach them!"

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