Monday, January 18, 2016

The first recipient, 2013: Chidyaonga Shalita.

Chidyaonga graduated from Highland Park - coincidently - my alma mater class of 1978. He is currently a junior at Macalester. Here is an update: 

"Thing are going great at Macalester. I got off to a strong start academically. Over break I've been super busy with my tutoring position at Highland Junior High school and preparing for next semester as well as applying to scholarships and summer internships. Its been crazy but exciting at the same time. Thank you again for investing in my education at Macalester college I will never forget!

Chidyaonga's future pursuits and dreams: "I am a first-generation American, both my parents are African (Uganda and Tanzania). I am currently pursuing a career in medicine but am also interested in getting more research experience. My goal is to work split my time working as physician in the United States and my homeland (Uganda)."

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