Saturday, January 23, 2016

Kennedy and his first year.

Kennedy Xiong with an update from Minneapolis: 

"My first semester of college was awesome! I had signed up for 16 credits going to the U of M (totaling five classes). Since it was my first year, most of my classes consisted of the general courses that I had to take in order to graduate. I ended the Fall semester with four A's and one B+ so it's a good fresh start going into my college years! Having received quite the ample amount of advice from friends and teachers, I am part of a club called the Philippine Student Association. In that club they have a program called the AKA program which is kind of like Big Brothers Big Sisters where an underclassmen is paired up with an upperclassmen. Since it was my first year, I had an upperclassmen who is a 2nd year at the U of M. My 'Big Brother' has given me really great advice on how to survive the first year of college and what to expect from the years to come! 

Unfortunately, I am not playing tennis anymore (I do hope to play tennis whenever I can. Most likely when I go back to visit my high school during the spring time!). For the first year, I wanted to focus on school just to see how college is like. With the fact that I am not playing tennis anymore, I have taken a new hobby which is working out in the weight room at the Rec at school. I commit myself to the weight room five days a week so I am still finding ways to stay physically active. 

Although my focus is in the educational area, I am currently undecided. I am not sure what exactly I want to pursue into education just yet. For my Spring semester in college, I have signed up for Elementary Education classes. If I truly like the class, maybe I will pursue Elementary Education as a major. I am also planning to volunteer as a teacher assistant in the Summer to really get the first hand experience on how it is like to work with younger kids also! If younger kids don't work out, I will try Junior High and so on to High School. The option of becoming a professor is up there too! I know I will come to decide my major sooner or later but I am giving myself time to try new things and see what I am truly passionate about.

I look forward to the upcoming winners of the Ace Scholarship and having a blog to keep track of them is an amazing idea! I truly hope more kids apply for the scholarship as this scholarship has really helped me!"

Monday, January 18, 2016

Recipient, 2015: Kennedy Xiong.

Kennedy, from Harding High, is the latest winner of The Ace. Kennedy is currently at the University of Minnesota. Here is what he wrote on his application for the Ace Scholarship:

"Although the income you receive as an educator isn't much, giving back to the community is enough for me. Becoming an educator is not about doing it for yourself, but giving out to others instead. I want to be able to show students the importance of education. Even if it means only changing the life of one person, I would gladly do it."

Kennedy, pictured here with Ace's wife and my mom, Jan Alexander.

Recipient, 2014: Olayemi Fadahunsi.

This was Olayemi's aspiration as she graduated from Harding High in St. Paul: "My major is to become an Elementary School teacher. My plan and goal is to one day become an inspiration to my future students and help bridge the achievement gap because I believe every student deserves the chance to have a quality and fair educational experience. It is the best time to build that confidence is at the start of their education."

Now a sophomore at The College of Saint Benedict in Minnesota, Olayemi continues to pursue her dreams. Her update:  "I graduate in May of 2018 with a degree in Sociology emphasis in Anthropology and Political Science with an emphasis in International Relations. I have had various experiences in professional settings in communications, Public Resources, Community Development, lesson planning,and Undergraduate Research. I have diverse experiences in many different work settings such as fast food, agriculture, office work, higher education, and teaching.

"My strengths include my ability to be flexible, great communication, time management, strong initiative, open mindedness, and strong teamwork."

The first recipient, 2013: Chidyaonga Shalita.

Chidyaonga graduated from Highland Park - coincidently - my alma mater class of 1978. He is currently a junior at Macalester. Here is an update: 

"Thing are going great at Macalester. I got off to a strong start academically. Over break I've been super busy with my tutoring position at Highland Junior High school and preparing for next semester as well as applying to scholarships and summer internships. Its been crazy but exciting at the same time. Thank you again for investing in my education at Macalester college I will never forget!

Chidyaonga's future pursuits and dreams: "I am a first-generation American, both my parents are African (Uganda and Tanzania). I am currently pursuing a career in medicine but am also interested in getting more research experience. My goal is to work split my time working as physician in the United States and my homeland (Uganda)."