Sunday, June 30, 2019

The latest from the first.

Chidyaonga Shalita was the first Ace Scholar winner back in 2013. He always will be special to me, not only because he was the first Ace, but because he graduated from my high school, Highland Park in St. Paul. He's such a great person and his future is so bright. Is there a doctor in the house? Why yes there is.

Here's an update:

"In late November, I received my first acceptance letter from the Warren Alpert Medical School at Brown University in Rhode Island and soon after that additional acceptance began rolling in. By March of 2019 I was accepted into (Brown, University of Chicago, University of Minnesota, University of Wisconsin Madison, University of Cincinnati, Northwestern University, Morehouse Medical College, and Duke University). In the end, after financial aid negotiations I ended up deciding to attend Duke University School of Medicine with a full-tuition scholarship."